Finally an update!

Here I am again.. And finally a decent update instead of the small messages I wrote in the meantime via my mobilephone. I will add them to the moblogging.. It’s fun and fine for small updates but a whole update like this one, is something where I should go sit down for and write!

Not sure where i would start, so I’d start at the working side, since that’s what I have most updates about!
Until now I have always worked at a computer shop where I worked as a Technical Support Employee.. This means I help people with computer problems at the phone and e-mail. On top of that, I also got a few responsibilities in the last few months. First of all, they asked me if I could write a small tip or hint for the customers who are registered for our news letter which is send out via email every week! And so every week I write something! At some time it’s about a huge problem, and sometimes it’s just a hint to make the use of the computer easier! 🙂
Anyway, since not everything is going like it should be.. I can actually be very honest about that.. Colleagues are making it more difficult for me by the way they behave, how they react on things and how they prove to be shamelessly unfriendly or better mean when someone is assigned with more responsibilities then they are. All despite the fact that they are working longer in the company then I do..
Since everyone is going on summer holidays and so is our excecutive, someone had to fill out the sheets where everything is written down how long someone worked. Also the sheme that said who had to work from when until when was something that had to be updated.. Because I feel responsible for what I do, I have been asked to take this tasks and do them.. I was happy with the change of work.. Instead of being on the phone all day, there was a possibility for me to do something different! Either way, somehow colleagues started acting differently.. In the beginning I thought it was because it was a huge change, but since I wasn’t the one who had to take huge decissions when something went wrong, there was actually nothing much that has changed.. But somehow people saw me differently.. They were ( and sadly enough still are) complaining about every step I take.. If something isn’t right to my feeling, I do something about it. I talk to the one who did it and if needed I will ask the chief to what has to be done..
But somehow they didn’t accept it, and made it very difficult to me..

A few months ago, I was really struggling with what I should do with my life.. work related I mean then..
I have my degree to make programs but am helping customers via the phone, it’s a huge difference.. Since I had already decided that I would love to find a job where I can actually make programs, like what I studied for.. Somehow it never came so far.. Every weekend there was something that came across so I could not write my resume and letter to find out if the job offer was still present and if they were interested in having me for an interview..
Since the colleagues made it so bad or terrible, I decided it was time for me to start looking for another job.. It feel so bad to know that when you feel fuilly responsible for something, you get ‘shot’ down so bad by them.. 🙁
This isn’t really what colleagues do.. at least, that’s how I see it..
I’m more then sick of the way they behave..
Anyway, it’s been 2 weeks, on sunday that I decided to take my chances and courage together and write on 3 job offers I had seen on a website called Monsterboard.. You might know it.. Some countries have the same one or something alike.. anyway, it’s a collection of all kinds of jobs..
From the very first company I already got a call on the Monday that followed and I had to do a kind of IQ test and an test to find out how you are as a person.. On Thursday, I already got a call from one of the people at the company, to talk with me about the tests that I had made.. I had done pretty well on both tests and they were interrested in having a first interview with me.. I made an appointment with them for Tuesday the 8th of August.. We’ll see what happens! it’s very exciting! 🙂
A second company contacted me at the end of the week, I believe it was Friday, as they also wanted to see me.. They planned a half day to have 4 interviews in total, and if I fit in the company and have the needed capacities they will do me an offer for a job.. So we will see what happens! That will be on the 16th of August! So it’s all very exciting!! 🙂
The very last company of the 3 I send my information to, has contacted me today, also to ask for an interview.. well actually for 2 interviews on 1 day.. we’ll see what happens…. I have to make an appointment for the last one..

Anyway, that how it all goes workwise..

As for my relation.. Arthur and I are nearly 6 years together! It’s been so wonderful to live together! 🙂
We offcourse have our ups and downs, but there are more ups then downs, so thats good! 😀

About a month ago, there was sad news..
There was a heat wave then, and Google, my hamster, didn’t survive.. I feel really bad about this.. I miss her very much.. and hope she’s been taken good care of where she is now..
Hopefully some time I will close her in my arms again and hold her..
I hope she will wait for me at the rainbow bridge..

.. guess that’s all for my news for now.. think I will push the save button.. when more comes nearby, I will post it.. 😉
