A Light!

Finally, a light!

First of all, thank you Moonwoolf for the reactions. They did cheer me up!

Secondly, I finally decided on a Sarah Day! Just a complete day, only for me, just a little selfish me day.

What I will do? I decided it would be good to take a closer look to my closet and the way I’m dressed. Since this is part of me feeling unhappy from time to time, I booked a day at a consultant who helps you with which colours and which style is making you look better, without actually changing anything to your body, but just by changing the clothes or wearing clothes differently.

At first, I was a little sceptic, not knowing if investing in that rather small expensive gift for myself would be the thing that would make me happy but after talking to the lady who does the analysis and gives the advises, I’m in. Quite a lot of time I had the feeling she understand what I mean and that she can teach me what I should and should not do. Awesome!
I hope she can somehow learn me to touch that button to let me feel proud and happy of myself. Or as I sometimes feel when I came back from the hairdresser: just on a little cloud, my very own cloud, just being proud about myself!

Let’s wait and see if that can happen, but I somehow have the feeling that it will be possible.

Februari 28th will be my own day.

I know it’s not a day widely accepted, but that day, will this year be my very own Sarah Day! 🙂

Now I will head to the postcards, lettersets, pen and envelopes to write postcards and letters….


One Comment

  1. Je “Sarah day” heeft je zeker goed gedaan.
    Ik volg nog (bijna) dagelijks vol bewondering de metamorfose die je qua uiterlijk (alsmede innerlijk) ondergaan hebt en aan het ondergaan bent
    Keep up this positive attitude!

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